Chianti Classico Gallo Nero estate with vineyards, cellar, rooms and swimming pool!
Company data:
46 hectares of which 4 are olive groves 4 vineyards 27 woods 11 arable land + 15.6 hectares of which 12.8 hectares of vineyard in the same town as Curina a few kilometers from the winery.
Villa 500 sqm
5 apartments for agritourism
Tot 450 sqm
Cellar 280 sqm
The company currently bottles 126 hl. Of Chianti
180 hl. Of IGT Rosso
6 hl. Of white IGT
Agricultural equipment of various kinds.
For more information, send a non-binding letter of interest with data of the possible buyer to: info@tenuteagricole24.it or call + 39 375 5602855